"Turismo Somos Todos" aims to bring together the entire sector
The "Turismo Somos Todos" platform aims to bring together the entire Spanish tourism sector (and also collaborate with related international organizations and companies) in the face of the current crisis generated by the COVID-19.
Specifically, the Spanish Association of Hotel Directors (AEDH), the Spanish Association of Tourism Professionals (AEPT), the Madrid Hotel Business Association (AEHM), the Spanish Golden Keys, the Spanish Association of Hotel Governors and Other Entities (ASEGO), and the Catalan Association of Tourism Professionals are already participating, Skal International Spain, the Provincial Association of Hotels and Tourism of Cuenca, the Madrid Association of Restaurant Companies (AMER), the Hotel Association Destination Bilbao, Intur-Association of Professional Tourism of Castilla-La Mancha, ASOYE (Association of Animation, Leisure and Entertainment of the Hotel and Extra-Hotel Industry of the Canary Islands), The Federated Kellys, etc. and private companies and brands are also joining in, such as RevenueKnowmads, Neobookings, Instituto Vox Digital, Centro de Alto Rendimiento Turístico (CART), Hotelkit, Grupo RV Edipress, Ring2Travel, Bequest, etc... and that is #TurismoSomosTodos.
From Turismo Somos Todos, and in view of the events that seriously affect the tourism sector as a result of the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the government is being asked for a new roadmap focused on specific measures to protect the tourism industry.
This request has been submitted to the government with the intention of saving tourism, which represents directly and indirectly 25% of the national GDP. In the last few days, we have been witnessing a very difficult situation, which is especially affecting the entire tourism industry. Likewise, a series of measures have been proposed in the sector since the beginning of the pandemic, which have been neglected by the Spanish Government and by the Autonomous Governments.
Measures that could have avoided the serious situation in which the tourism sector finds itself at this time. To make matters worse, the Government recently announced that it had hired the services of a consulting firm to deal with this situation, after having neglected and ignored the requests of professionals in the tourism sector, who have been pointing out for months the solutions that would avoid the bankruptcy of companies and the destruction of jobs. It is not necessary to hire consultants when you have better experts among hotel professionals, who are the ones who know what tourism is and what is needed.
From Turismo Somos Todos we ask the Government to implement a new roadmap based on 8 strategic points, collected in a manifesto for #SalvarElTurismo.
Photo by t_watanabe in Pixabay