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The best plans in Ibiza in winter

With the end of the season, the quieter plans begin, adjusted to life on the island in winter.

If you live here all year round, or if you plan to visit Ibiza in winter, don't miss out on the activities we recommend today.

1. For the sporty: spectacular hiking trails

A stroll through any of Ibiza's charming little villages can be a fun enough activity.

But what's more, one of the things we don't hear much about are the hiking trails in Ibiza, which often offer truly breathtaking views.

senderismo en ibiza

Some of the ones we recommend are:

  • From Sant Josep to Sa Talaia: the highest point on Ibiza. A well-signposted, low-difficulty trail.
  • From San Antonio to Cala Salada: It passes through several coves with a unique charm. You can extend it if you like.
  • Excursion through Pla de Corona: in the months of January and February, hectares of almond blossom await you here.
  • Torre de ses Portes in Las Salinas: An idyllic location for a pleasant walk is Las Salinas. Beach, forest, and the incredible salt works.

There are many more routes waiting for you. We encourage you to discover them all!

2. Traditional Ibicencan food is not in season

Although there are many establishments that close during the winter months, the truth is that the authentic places remain open all year round.

It is precisely there where you will enjoy the best gastronomy in Ibiza.

Matanzas rice, bullit or guisat de peix, paella, sofrit Pagés, fried octopus... There are a great many wonders to be discovered.

And what about desserts such as flaó, greixonera or orelletes!

The most emblematic restaurants to try all these culinary wonders are Bar Anita (Ca N'Anneta), Cas Pagès, Es Rebost, Es Pins, or Restaurante 2000, among many others.

3. Culture does not close in winter

There are many ways to discover the history and culture of Ibiza.

For example, a stroll through the old town and castle of Ibiza, known as Dalt Vila, is a timeless activity.

cultura en ibiza

Nearby, you'll find the Puig des Molins Monographic Museum, where you'll discover the necropolis and the strong Phoenician-Punic influence we have on the island. We also have the archaeological museum and the museum of contemporary art.

In addition, in each of the villages you will find its corresponding white church, with its own particular and unique charm. The churches of Santa Eulalia (Puig de Missa) and Santa Inés are particularly popular.

4. Winter markets in Ibiza

This is one of the favourite activities for visitors during the summer. Did you know that in winter, there are many markets that don't close?

It is a great time to visit them at your leisure.

The Las Dalias flea market is held every Saturday, and we recommend visiting it at Christmastime as they are open more days a week.

Cala Lenya also has a craft market on Sundays from 10:00 to 15:30, with a strong local accent.

Finally, in Santa Eulalia and Forada there are markets on Sundays where you will find fruit and vegetables, local sweets, handicrafts....

Are you going to miss them?
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