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Discover Ibiza's mystical caves!

Our beautiful island has always been surrounded by legends and a lot of mysticism...

From the island of Es Vedrà to mythological beings such as the fameliars and the follets, as well as the goddess Tanit, there is no denying the amount of more or less well-known history we have.

That is why, to whet your appetite, we present 5 of the most mysterious caves in Ibiza. Discover them all!

Caves on Ibiza that you shouldn't miss

In ancient times (the real ones, we are talking about Carthaginians and pirates), instead of building sanctuaries and shelters, visitors and locals used the many cavities in the rock of the island for different purposes.

Many of them are still known and visited today, as the legends have been passed down through our traditional rondalles.

And they are even still used today...

The sanctuary of the goddess Tanit in the Culleram Cave

This location is one of the most popular, as it is the main shrine of the island's goddess.

All kinds of offerings are still made in the name of the goddess of fertility and fortune (also of the moon and war) because the cave is still open to the public from April to October, from Tuesday to Sunday mornings.

It was also here that the most famous statue of this deity was found, which can be visited in the Puig des Molins museum.

But as always, every history has its dark sides, and as in many cultures, sacrifices and other practices were performed here, although this could be something invented by the Romans to discredit everything pagan.

If you want to know more, you will have to visit.

location of the cave of Es Culleram

The pirates of Cova Santa

Many buccaneers have passed through the island of Ibiza over the centuries, as evidenced by the island's various fortifications and watchtowers.

It is not for nothing that one of the lesser-known names for our land is "the island of pirates", and we even have a monument in the port of Ibiza in honor of the corsairs.

Among the various hideouts of these rogues is the Cova Santa (Holy Cave), discovered in the 15th century and opened to the public in 1957.

Before being a popular venue for celebrations and a restaurant, it was a hideout for pirates and their treasures, as before its collapse it led to the sea, and with its impressive 25-metre depth there was enough room to rest for a while.

A different and entertaining visit, whichever way you look at it.

location of the cave of Cova Santa

Cave paintings on Ibiza

Surprise! Although small and unmarked, Ibiza has its own collection of cave paintings.

In the cave of Ses Fontanelles or Sa Cova des Vi (it was used as a wine cellar) you will find two drawings made in the Bronze Age in 1,000 BC.

The walk alone is well worth the visit; you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the entire coastline of Cala Sala, the bay of San Antonio and the islets to the west.

The cave is temporarily closed at the moment, and a visitor's permit is required.

location of the cave of Ses Fontanelles

The caves in the viewpoints of Es Vedrá (again)

This gigantic islet is the subject of most of Ibiza's legends and rumors, be it for its supposed magnetism, for being part of the triangle of silence (our equivalent of Bermuda), for an 8-metre giant who lived there... Or even for the goats.

It is again on this list because of the series of caves found in its viewpoints, some of them inhabited by people seeking spiritual experiences.

A special location for hippy lovers, and where you can breathe a different atmosphere and views of Es Vedrà.

approximate location of the cave of Es Vedrà

Caves of the Cap des Mossons treasures

The 4 caves in the Mola d'Aubarca have been the haunt of smugglers and even shelters during the Civil War.

It is impossible to access by sea, so it is a fairly safe location.

The caves of des Pi, d'en Jaume Orat, ses Estelles and Llibrell have been a very important part of Ibizan archaeology, and fossil remains, remains from the Bronze Age, amphorae from the late Punic period and a cup of African terra sigillata from the 2nd century have been found in them.

History from all eras in four caves that can be reached on a spectacular excursion!

approximate location of the cave of Cap des Mossons

Visiting Ibiza in winter

Although summer on the island is a time to remember, winter allows you to enjoy those special visits with a tranquillity that can only be experienced here.

Whether you are from here or from abroad, at Sea Experience we will be delighted to help you discover the magical corners of our land.

We'll be waiting for you!

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