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Planes en Formentera con lluvia

What to do in Formentera when it rains

Is it raining on Formentera? Isn't the weather as paradisiacal as you'd like? It's a shame, really. You have come to look for the sun, the beaches of transparent water and the meteorology has brought you grey clouds. What a downturn.

But don't be discouraged. Maybe you have to change your shoes and keep your beach flip-flops, but there are many things to do in Formentera when it rains.

Here is a list of 5 proposals to make on the island if the weather is not as shiny as you would like:

1) Handicrafts and local products

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If you want to see exhibitions of local crafts from Formentera and, by the way, see what local product you can take home (or taste during your holidays), you should visit the Centro Antoni Tur "Gabrielet".

You can learn how esparto grass is used to make "senalles", "barses", "sembradores", cart blinds or soles of "espardenyes".

An obligatory visit to see the most traditional part of Formentera. Don't miss it, even if it doesn't rain!

How to arrive

2) Museum of ethnography of Formentera

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If it rains on Formentera and you don't know what to do, there is always the option of museums. La pequeña de las Pitiusas has a very interesting Ethnographic Collection of Formentera that you can visit for free.

The museum offers "a way of approaching those forms of life typical of the past, through a permanent exhibition of tools, utensils, furniture and clothing that make up a collection that is well representative of the everyday life of traditional Formentera".

How to arrive

3) La Caixa Exhibition Hall

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Also free of charge, the perfect establishment to enjoy art and culture on Formentera. It is the result of the collaboration of the Consell Insular de Formentera and the bank La Caixa.

The room is open from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm, although it may vary depending on the exhibitions or openings taking place depending on the date.

We recommend that you do not miss it if it rains on Formentera: culture is always good!

How to arrive

4) Ses Salines Interpretation Centre

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The Finca Can Marroig is a historical establishment that has been equipped with an interpretation centre to get to know the most important natural values of the natural park of Ses Salines.

Even if it rains on Formentera, we recommend that you visit the centre to find out all the details of this very important natural enclave: location, extension, natural and cultural heritage, and potential tourist, scientific and educational uses.

How to arrive

5) Eat well (and cheaply!)

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Weather may not be good, but there's no reason not to eat well. And if you can do it without scratching your pocket too much, better than better.

In our last article we talked to you about where to eat on Formentera for little money, take a look at our list of cheap restaurants in Formentera.

And don't forget to change your shoes!

Info and photos: Illes BalearsTurismo de Formentera / Consell de Formentera

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