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Actividades en Ibiza con mal tiempo

What to do in Ibiza when it rains: 5 plans

It's bad luck that with only a few rainy days on the island, one of them has touched you. Don't be discouraged! Take an umbrella that we are going to suggest many activities to do in Ibiza with rain or bad weather.

Here, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes, there are many things besides the sun and the beach. Don't let the weather ruin your day and keep this list of plans in Ibiza when it rains:

1) Shopping in Ibiza, even when the weather is rough

planes ibiza lluvia mal tiempo compras

If you are one of those who take advantage of the inclement weather to go shopping and renew your wardrobe, you will be happy to know that Ibiza has a multitude of fashion shops. You'll find the vast majority of world-renowned brands, but you'll also find a wide variety of boutiques, traditional jewellery shops and unique establishments.

The best known shopping areas are Vara de Rey, the Port and Marina of Ibiza Town, the historic centre of the village of Santa Gertrudis and the main avenue of Santa Eulalia. All of them are full of shops and cozy bars where you can take shelter in the event of a downpour.

2) Try Ibiza's typical gastronomy

planes ibiza lluvia mal tiempo comer


Okay, to enjoy the exquisite dishes in our cuisine it does not have to be raining. But there is no denying that a good broth feels better when the weather is grumpy. And in the typical gastronomy of Ibiza we have some succulent proposals that you should not miss.

For example, a "bullit de peix" (boiled fish that is served with rice), a "guisat de peix" (similar but without rice and more soup), a "cuinat" (vegetable and legume stew that is usually eaten on Holy Friday), ... Any of them will make your stomach happy and make you forget that it rains in Ibiza.

3) A stroll through Ibiza's museums

planes ibiza lluvia mal tiempo museos

One of the most undervalued aspects of the island is undoubtedly that of culture and art. However, in Ibiza you can find exhibition halls of all kinds and a lot of cultural offerings.

Contemporary art, painting, archaeology, history, ... and a few surprises await you if you dare to discover the cultural side of the island. And to make sure you don't miss any of them, we'll leave you with this article: a stroll through Ibiza's museums.

4) Theatre and cinema evenings in Ibiza

planes ibiza lluvia mal tiempo cine teatro

Whether you want to see the latest premiere or you're more of a performing artist, in Ibiza you can enjoy cinema and theatre. In the capital there is the Can Ventosa hall, a cultural space where you will be able to enjoy music, theatre, folkloric samples, dance, projections, ... Check their agenda because you're sure to find something you like!

On the other hand, in San Antonio you have one of the most emblematic cinemas on the island (the Regio), which maintains the essence of the old screening rooms with a lot of care and whose offer is varied and includes original versions. You also have the alternative of going to the Multicines in the commercial area of Ibiza, with several rooms and screenings almost all day long.

5) Visit a wine cellar in Ibiza

planes ibiza lluvia mal tiempo bodegas

Did you know that Ibiza has a long winemaking tradition? While it is true that what is most deeply rooted is the "payés" wine (made by hand) accompanied by "pa y companatge" (bread with "sobrassada" from Ibiza) at traditional festivals (such as the Sant Mateu Wine Festival in December), there are also wineries that make more "commercial" wines.

These are Ibizkus and Can Rich. Both make V.T. Ibiza wines and offer guided tours and tastings. The perfect way to learn more about the island's wine culture.

And when it stops raining, what do I do in Ibiza?

Our island has a very peculiar climate and it is possible that while in the south a good storm is falling, in the north they enjoy a perfectly sunny day (or vice versa!). That's why we recommend that you take advantage of the activities you can do in bad weather but don't lose sight of what you can do when the weather changes.

For example, any of our boat trips is a good option to enjoy the Pitiusas from the sea. But you shouldn't miss these southern Ibiza beaches and these Formentera beaches either.

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